Monday, July 19, 2010


I wish I had a chance to say goodbye....

Often have I started writing bout you Nana but never had the courage to go further than 3-4 lines. But this time I somehow find a force inside me that makes me write...

I wish I could be there,
I wish I could say goodbye,
I know you are still here somewhere,
Over all of us, You keep your protective eye,
There hasn't been a moment more painful,
Than when I found You had left us all,
The sorrow out of which I myself still cant pull,
I still skip a beat when I recall,
There has never been a news as bad,
It took me days even to realize the bitter truth,
Such a sudden farewell,
How could God be so brute,
I miss you Nana,
Every time I accomplish something,
Every time I lose something,
I still remember that rhyme,
I still cant forget the blessings you bestowed,
I remember You being there for my birthdays,
I miss You more now every year,
Diwali has lost its charm,
I light a diya on your birthday,
My eyes still search for you when I enter your room,
My throat fills up when I see your image on the wall,
Your clothes are still hung in the same manner,
Often I search its pockets,
Each and every thing in that house,
Reminds me of your being there,
I wish could just touch your feet once,
I wish I could Fare you well for your heavenly abode,
I wish You could see that I have realized your dreams,
I stand by the principals you laid for me,
I can feel your presence every time I chant OM,
I promise to follow the path you showed,
I imagine the scene of you being taken away...away from us forever,
But I know you are immortal in our hearts,
memories will stay though life may surpass,
I make myself calm reminding what mummy said"He lived a happy life and looked peaceful like a saint when he was been taken away"
I love you Nana, we all do,
I know You will always be there for me, supporting me and loving me, protecting me...

1 comment:

  1. Ever since my Granpa passed away, I haven't had the courage to talk to him or write about him.
    I try to keep it locked away in my heart because the pain is too much.
    I am glad you went beyond 3-4 sentences.
