Sunday, February 20, 2011


Run into the open field,
Fresh with sparkles of morning due,
Break free the yolk of wants,
Impervious to the rough wind,
Unaware of the exogenous influence,
Pristine knowledge within,
Individual but part of the whole,
Intense, not shallow,
Wish I could be an escapist from the traditional,
Be not what I want to, rather what I am,
Unmoved by circumstances,
Igneous and not met-morphed with age,
 …The wish truly wished – To be an Escapist.


  1. you captured the dilemma in an absolutely awesome rhythm

  2. Captured the dilemma most of us are in perfectly.. 2 thumbs up...

  3. A very fresh piece of writing.. It was pleasurable reading it..

  4. Thank you so much priyanka and mohnish...keep reading :)

  5. escapist!!

    run run run there you go an escapist
    go create wonders in this world deadly escapist
    this art comes when people become escapist
    you pluck anything from nothing being an escapist

    sukhda ur escapist is awesome buddy!!
    u have picked a deadly topic this time.
