Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let me be `FREE`

First Speech in GLIM:-
Dear friends, I stand here not as a social activist or an advocate for Women’s rights. What I am going to say today is in my own selfish interest.
                I start with equality, between men and women. Oh yes, I agree I am equal. I am economically and emotionally independent. for she has marched forward. For she has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. But is she free?
                It so happened the other day I had to go to a hospital for getting a vaccination done. The class got over late and due to unforeseen circumstances I got delayed and it was post 7. I was suggested to not go. Why? Because it was too late for two girls to go alone as this area is not safe. I realized, I am not independent – I am dependent.
                I would not chose to board a flight that lands at 3 am. Its too late in the night to go hunting for a hotel. Its not safe. But my guy friend, who is as old as me, as smart as I am would not think twice. Why the difference now? Where is the equality now?
                Do you feel scared standing alone in a deserted area? No. But I do. I am not equal. I don’t like the constant feeling of fear inside me. I don’t want to be protected. I want to be free.
                10% of u guys come here and talk about booze and smoke. And its cool. But if I booze, if I smoke, I am labeled. Dude, remember - its as harmful for u.
                Why does a women have to think twice before wearing what she likes to? Even after a most traumatic rape case she is held 50% responsible. Why? She was wearing a mini skirt, it was inviting. Will she ever want what just happened to her? U must be out of ur mind to even think so, but we have had debates over this. Debates over the responsibility of a girl for her own rape. Equality – u see.
                Il end my speech with the same question – Am I free? Give me the respect, freedom and equality will come following suit.


  1. Nicely written... India terribly needs the "Slut Walk" intiative to go high!!!

    1. thank u fellow blogger :) good 2 c u here!!

    2. he he.. yeah.. Trying to shed off the laziness me , and do something other than lying around instead :)

  2. India's still far from being 'safe' than free for women.We've seen women's dignity at stake on New Year eves, late night parties, on the way back from office! Women, in some section of male portion of the society is still considered 'mouth-watering'! An opportunity at hand, and there you go! I'm sure one lifetime is not enough to change that.
    Well not generalising this for all men :) , miscreants are always present. All we need is a safe place to stay. Better laws and a broader point of you.
    Good work, Appreciate the way you think.

    1. thanks... i wish we had ways to change the world
